This blog post will be short and sweet, as all details of this project are outlined in the ArcGIS StoryMap shown below. Due to the confines of the blog layout, the StoryMap is displayed as it would appear on a mobile device; a full-screen version can be viewed here. Also, larger images of the maps created throughout this analysis are displayed at the bottom of this post.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Saturday, July 27, 2024
GIS 5100 Module 4 - Coastal Flooding
- The red areas are negative changes in elevation. It is apparent that these are mostly found along the shoreline and are representative of beach overwash, beach erosion, and buildings that were demolished during the storm.
- The lighter shades of the raster output represent areas that had less [or no] elevation changes due to Hurricane Sandy.
- The blue areas are positive changes in elevation. This is most likely due to water buildup, sand buildup, and debris buildup.
- The red strip on the westerly border was excluded from the visual analysis due to its location along the border; it would not make sense for the elevation to gradually build up with an abruptly defined edge of negative elevation change.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
GIS Module 3 - Visibility Analysis
Module 3 of Applications in GIS was a four-part assignment that covered different topics of the ESRI tutorials page. It consisted of four hands-on tutorials, four quizzes, and four introductions to the various capabilities of this extensive software platform. The four tutorials were: Introduction to 3D Visualization, Line of Sight Analysis, Viewshed Analysis, and Sharing 3D Content using Scene Layer Packages. Each are discussed in detail below.
3D Visualization
The first ESRI tutorial was an introduction to the 3D capabilities of ArcGIS. While all of the data was provided in 3D format, it was a neat introduction into 3D navigation [slightly different than navigating a 2D map], the difference in various 3D map scenes [Local and Global], and the 3D symbology that is included in the software package. The ESRI documentation provides a 3D Workflow page that provides a lot of introductory information; this page can be viewed by clicking here. As shown in the map below, we were provided with all the required data to create a realistic, three-dimensional map of San Diego, California.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
GIS 5100 Module 2 - LiDAR and Forestry
Module 2 of Applications in GIS was an extremely different GIS application than the crime analysis study completed in Module 1; Module 2 focused on forestry analysis on a LiDAR dataset. LiDAR [Light Detection and Ranging] is a remote sensing technology where thousands, if not millions, of laser pulses are emitted from a sensor, bounce off the surfaces below, and the amount of time it takes for the pulse to return back to the sensor is measured to determine the distance between the landscape and the sensor. Once the pulse returns, the X, Y, and Z data is collected, and the entire dataset is compiled into a LiDAR point cloud data file. This compiled dataset can display all features that are present on the landscape. The LiDAR point cloud raster shown below is from a swath of forestry in the state of Virginia. As illustrated in the legend, areas of higher elevation are displayed by warm colors of the spectrum and transition to the cool colors of the spectrum as elevation decreases.
Sunday, July 7, 2024
GIS 5100 Module 1 - Crime Analysis
Module 1 of GIS 5100 [Applications in GIS] was very interesting and insightful; it was also a great introduction into one of the many ways GIS systems can be used to improve the world in which we dwell. The module focused on using different hotspot analysis methods to map crime in two cities; after the information was mapped, the data could by further analyzed to see which mapping technique would be more effective at preventing the same type of crimes from taking place in the future.
GIS 6005 Module 1 - Map Design and Typography
Module One of GIS 6005 - Communicating GIS revolved around cartographic design principles and typographical principles that should be follow...
Lab assignment 1.2 of Special Topics in GIS was performing an accuracy assessment according to the National Standard for Spatial Data Accura...
This week's lab assignment was very straightforward. We were introduced to the ArcGIS interface, how to navigate through the program, ...
For the final module of GIS Programming, we explored the many different ways to manipulate geometrical datasets using Python scripts. All da...