The sixth, and final, module of Communicating GIS explored the proportional symbols and the bivariate mapping methodologies employed throughout the cartographic world; both parts of this assignment also provided opportunities to customize legends in a manner that gives the cartographer complete control over each element within the legend. The first two parts of this assignment used the proportional symbol method to illustrate the magnitude of a provided variable. According to Kimberling, a proportional symbol is 'used to represent an exact data value by scaling the symbol's visual variable to be directly proportional to the value it represents' [Kimberling, 2012, p. 617]. Essentially, the size of the smallest variable is set and the remaining symbols are scaled proportionally. As shown below, the first map was a map displaying cities throughout the country of India, and the magnitude of their population is conveyed by the diameter of that cities point symbol. Due to inadequacies of the human eyes and mind, people tend to visually underestimate the size of the circles as they get bigger, so an appearance compensation algorithm [Flannery] has been applied to these point symbols; more can be read on proportional symbology and the Flannery compensation technique by clicking here.
By examining the map, it is apparent that most U.S. counties fall within the low-low, medium-medium, and high-high classes, thus illustrating a directly proportional relationship with each other. If no correlation between the two classes existed, many of the counties would fall within the low-high or high-low classes. The main challenge of this exercise was to determine the color ramp by choosing colors that were easy to distinguish, were visually complementary, and were also progressively increasing as the values climbed. This took a lot of time and patience, but the final deliverable made the dedication worthwhile. Lastly, a customized legend was created, showing how the qualitative values of a quantitative dataset are represented on the map.
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