Sunday, June 30, 2024

GIS 5100 Introduction - About Me Story Map

Hello, everyone! My name is Marc Wright and I am currently in my third semester of the M.S. in GIS Administration program. Outside of school, I love to ride my motorcycle [2008 Harley Sportster 1200], spend time with my family, work out at the gym, read, draw, and work on the lawn / landscaping. My wife and I are also very active in our local church [Oklahoma City Community Church] and have recently committed to service opportunities that revolve around feeding the homeless within our community. Professionally, I work full time as a Network Designer / GIS Technician / Mapping Technician for a fiber optics company based out of Norman, Oklahoma. I am thankful that I get to utilize some of the knowledge that I am obtaining from the coursework here at UWF, but I am also very excited to make the jump into some sort of GIS Analyst position. Academically, I received my B.S. in Environmental Design through the College of Architecture at the University of Oklahoma, but ultimately decided against obtaining my Master's degree in Architecture. My goal upon completion of this program is to go where the best opportunity arises [I would love to find myself in the environmental sector, something like species or land conservation], and just go with the flow from there! There are not too many GIS jobs located in Oklahoma City currently, so moving out of state after graduation is probably a very realistic option.

Some adjectives that would describe me are tenacious, determined, optimistic, and comical [I think I am hilarious, but my three teenage step-daughters do not seem to agree]. Good luck to you all this semester, and I look forward to working with you!

Here is the link to my story map: Wright Family Travel Log but I have also embedded it into this blog post below [the formatting is a little off, due to the constraints of the blog frame].

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GIS 6005 Final Project - Data Analysis on UFO Hotspots

View the presentation for this project by clicking here .