Monday, September 11, 2023

GIS 5050 Module 3 - Data Collection


This week's lab assignment was going out and collecting data of our choice and producing a map package, an online map, and [2] .KMZ files for Google Earth. As far as the software was concerned, the online portion of this assignment was the most confusing for me but I felt I had a decent grasp on it by the end of the day. We used the ArcGIS Field Maps app for collecting data out in the field and it was a surprisingly easy interface to navigate. As far as the data collection itself was concerned, I probably should have stuck with the suggested fire hydrants or stop signs. My subject of interest was survey monuments that have been registered by the Public Works department of Oklahoma City and these were not the easiest things to find. After a couple of failed attempts in some pretty questionable areas of the city, my son and I migrated our "scavenger hunt" to the outskirts of town and had considerably better luck. I have posted a screenshot of the ArcGIS Online map above [for those who do not have access to the program], and the link to the map is listed below:

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GIS 6005 Final Project - Data Analysis on UFO Hotspots

View the presentation for this project by clicking here .