Wednesday, September 13, 2023

GIS 5050 Module 3: Map Projections

On the second part of this week's lab assignment, we took a shapefile of all the counties located in the state of Florida and projected them with three different map projections [Albers, UTM Zone 16N, and Florida State Plane]. From this point, we calculated the different areas of four selected counties [in square miles] and compared the difference between each of the map projections. We then composed all the information on a map so it can be visually interpreted at a glance. Finally, we took raster images and defined a projection onto them, so they could be accurately placed on a map. This lab assignment was interesting, but it seems as if map projections are a subject that could be expanded on infinitely. I did not have any trouble following the steps in the lab assignment, so it seems that I spent the most amount of time compiling all the information into the map shown above and formatting it to an acceptable aesthetic level.

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GIS 6005 Final Project - Data Analysis on UFO Hotspots

View the presentation for this project by clicking here .