Thursday, October 12, 2023

GIS 5050 - Final Project


For the Final Project of this course, we performed a Geospatial analysis of the proposed location of the Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line; this included analyzing its effect on environmentally sensitive lands in the area, the number of homes affected by the transmission line, and the number of schools in proximity to the transmission line. Finally, we attempted to calculate the length and the cost of this 230-volt electrical line that spans between two counties in western Florida [Manatee and Sarasota County]. The scope of this project was very extensive, covering almost all skillsets we have learned throughout the past eight weeks. 

I was happy with the outcome of ArcGIS Story Map [embedded above], but not entirely happy with my video presentation of this slideshow. I pondered re-doing the entire presentation, but then I gave myself a little grace and decided that I am my own worst critic and that I would probably critique the second rendition worse than the first. Overall, this was a great introduction to the science of Geographic Information Systems and a great opportunity to put my knowledge to the test. I enjoyed this project thoroughly and I hope you find it interesting as well. The video presentation [and transcript of the presentation] can be viewed at the following link:

The ArcGIS Story Map can also be view without the presentation at the following link:

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GIS 6005 Final Project - Data Analysis on UFO Hotspots

View the presentation for this project by clicking here .