Monday, October 23, 2023

GIS 5027 Module 1 - Visual Interpretation

This week's lab assignment was the first of our Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing class. This module focused on visual interpretation of aerial photographs that were provided by UWF [originally obtained from the United States Geological Survey]. The map above analyses an image according to various tones and textures, with a created feature class to distinguish the 5 classes of each.  The map below contains an image that identified objects according to [1] size/shape, [2] shadows, [3] patterns, and [4] associations of nearby objects. The images were then placed on layouts and the cartographic theories learned in GIS 5050 were applied to these created maps. The third exercise in the module was to compare the output of a true-color aerial photograph to the output of a false-color near infrared aerial photograph. No map was created for this exercise, but it was the most interesting portion [in my opinion]. Overall, Module 1 was very straightforward and I did not encounter any major issues while navigating through this lab assignment; I was also very happy with the quality of my maps, so I would say that this module was a success.


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GIS 5935 Module 2.2 - Surface Interpolation

  Post in progress - please check back soon...