Monday, October 30, 2023

GIS 5027 Module 2 - Land Use / Land Classification


This week's lab exercise consisted of analyzing an image of Pascagoula, Mississippi according to its land use / land classification. After the initial analysis, feature classes were created for each type of land classification [USGS Land Classifications, Levels I and II] and polygons were overlaid throughout the entirety of the aerial photograph according to the determined classifications. Once the entire map had been categorized, Google Maps Street View was used as a replacement for "in situ" ground truthing, and each sample point was visited using Google Earth. The accuracy for each of these sample points was determined as either correct or incorrect. As the map states above, the overall accuracy of my map was 70%. However, a certain percentage of my inaccurate classifications were due to the sample points falling in areas outside the confines of my minimum mapped unit, so I am pleased with this percentage rate. Overall, this exercise took a great deal of time and a great deal of decision making but was a good opportunity to learn the LU/LC process. I was content with the accuracy percentage, and I am happy with the aesthetic quality of the map itself. More information on the USGS Land classification system can be found in PDF form at the address listed below:

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GIS 6005 Final Project - Data Analysis on UFO Hotspots

View the presentation for this project by clicking here .