Monday, November 6, 2023

GIS 5027 Module 3 - Introduction to ERDAS Imagine

 Module 3's Lab Assignment was to familiarize ourselves with a new software program named ERDAS Imagine. While there are a daunting number of options and buttons, I feel like this was a proper introduction to a complex program. The map above is a subset of a larger raster image of a portion of Olympic State Park [located in western Washington state] that displays each pixel as one of seven different categories defined by the reflectance obtained by AHVRR satellite imagery. The objective of this assignment was to compare the areas of the entire raster image with the areas of the subset image that was created from the original. As displayed in the legend, there are [7] different classifications and the area of each [in hectares] is displayed next to the category name. Comparatively speaking, the areas of the classifications listed in this subset are minute compared to the areas listed in the original raster image. Finally, the subset image was imported into ArcGIS and a map was created to aesthetically display the information obtained throughout this assignment. 

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GIS 6005 Final Project - Data Analysis on UFO Hotspots

View the presentation for this project by clicking here .